Monday, November 10, 2008

The Start of a new life.....

The Start of a new life……..
I started a new chapter in my life on October 5, 2006, the day I lost my best friend, my number one cheerleader, my provider and the love of my life: my mother. I not only loved her, I was in love with her: her integrity, her character, her womanhood, her smell, her smile and the list goes on and on.

The first year was extremely hard, especially since my mother was the glue that kept our family together, her 5 sisters and her many nieces and nephew depended on her from many things. Aunt Bessie’s house was the house that everyone needed to visit when they came from out of town. Aunt Bessie’s house was the house that every celebration was held. Aunt Bessie was everything to everybody.

“Your mother will always be with you”, was something people would always tell me. I didn’t believe it until I met the girls on October 4, 2007. How ironic since the next day was the first anniversary of my mom death!! And October 5, 2008, I spend the day at the winery with the girls and their family. How ironic!!! Melissa, Nicole, Maureen and Letitta are gifts from my mother that I will cherish forever.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oh My Teether...

Today was a touch and go day with little Miss K...not portrayed in the picture to the left however :) That second tooth is definitely trying to come through, but is torturing her in the meantime. She was happy one minute and crying hysterically the next. I exhausted EVERY teething method I had in the house...including some I invented myself...such as chewing on leaves, which you can see in the picture below :) She's always SO happy that when she's upset she gives it all she's got. Also, she only napped for 45 minutes today. Apparently she felt like that was enough...not quite for mom however.

I was thinking today while rocking her next to my mom's picture in her room, about how and when to tell her that my mom died when I was only 17. She'll obviously know that she's not here and whatnot, but when do you tell a child that their mom can die when they're young?? I never tell my kids at school that my mom died because I never want them to be scared that their mom could potentially pass how do I save that thought from my own daughter? I guess it's something that I'll have to take as it well as see what kind of child she is, a scaredy cat like me, or a go with the flow gal.

Anyway, we did have a few minutes of peace today when I took her outside and took 800 pictures of her with the leaves...I must have said, "not in your mouth" about a million times. She didn't quite get it. Oh well :)
