Friday, February 27, 2009

this really is horrible

Ok ladies, I know I have been complaining nonstop but I just can't even stand it...... this morning sickness that is really all day and even worse in the middle of the night has me hanging by a thread. I am a big baby when it comes to stomach pain to begin with (was hospitalized many times as a kid for it) so maybe I am being overly dramatic but come on already.........I need just one night of steady sleep. I have been in bed night after night crying and really missing my mother. Scott is wonderful and waits on me hand and foot and genuinely feels terrible for me but there is nothing like a mother's touch to make it all better. I know that this isn't the last time I am going to miss her like crazy but feeling as crappy as I do and being so tired it is not helping to miss her so deeply. I guess maybe part of it is that I could sob to her and act like a total baby and feel sorry for myself and she would never make me feel bad about it. Not that anyone has made me feel bad but I feel like a jerk for being so pathetic. Ok I'm done.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Mom Would Have Been So Proud Of Me...

I made my own puree yesterday of fruits and vegetables to make banana bread! It was so much easier than I thought it would be and can't believe that I haven't been making my own baby food all along! When I pureed the bananas, Kiera ate the left overs and LOVED every minute of it!!

I had bought this cookbook months and months and months ago after seeing Jessica Seinfeld on Oprah promoting it. It's called, "Deceptively Delicious" and I hadn't made anything from it. It's all about incorporating veggies into your child's meals so that they don't know they're there.
Nicole had given me a wonderful list of all the foods her kids ate about this time. So I decided that this weekend was the weekend. Kiera actually decided because she's made the decision to no longer eat baby food. She really wants food that she can pick up, so now Mommy has to be more creative. She'll really eat anything I put in front of her to grab, but I thought this was a good way to give her something more than just a fruit or veggie. Therefore Kiera had her first piece (or three) of banana bread with cauliflower hidden in there~it was delicious :) She really needs to keep getting all her good veggies, but refuses them when I put them on a spoon. This is such a great compromise....and like I said, she actually did eat the banana off the spoon and enjoyed it endlessly.

So I think that I am going to really start to puree lots of different kind of veggies every weekend and start putting them in all the foods that she loves. This way I know she's getting what she needs. She also enjoyed the cauliflower steamed before I pureed it, so that's now an option too! My mom would be thrilled that I took the time to do this...I am an easy recipe girl...I think I'm headed in the right direction!!
