Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kiera is ONE today!

Kiera Rita was born on a day much like this ONE year ago today! It's unbelievable to me that an entire year has past. She's becoming this little person with so much personality...and dare I say, a little bit of an attitude :)

This time last year I was exhausted (for lack of a better word)...I'd been having contractions for over two days and delivered her in record time at 10:49am on Wednesday morning. I wouldn't change ONE thing from her birth, however (except maybe having my mom there, but I can't change that for the next go-round either). I loved every minute of it. The contractions were not pleasant, but the epidural was lovely. I had a very easy time pushing and out she popped, our gorgeous ray of sunshine who I couldn't imagine not having in my life.

Today has been such fun. We got up to a smiling baby who came downstairs to find that the Birthday Fairy had decorated the kitchen and her highchair for her :) Sean and I had made her cupcakes and she ate a vanilla one with vanilla frosting...which she really enjoyed! Then we opened a small gift that we got her...we're waiting on the big one to be delivered. Then we played and played until we were off to JcPenney's for pictures...

Now that was entirely too frustrating for my liking...I have always taken pictures of Kiera and LOVED them...I decided to have them "professionally" taken for her birthday, because "that's what you do", but I wasn't prepared for the waiting, waiting, waiting! Kiera was an's always me who gets myself all crazy, but she didn't want to sit in her carriage, didn't want to be held...what she wanted to do was crawl around in her beautiful birthday dress...Her pictures came out so pretty, but she had a crumb from her puffs that I hadn't noticed because it blended in with her skin so well in person, but then in the pictures...all the gorgeous close-ups...there it was :( I'm so bummed!!! What a waste. We got quite a few good ones, but no real face shots because the crumb wouldn't allow it.

Needless to say...I will maybe do it for her birthday and her birthday ONLY in the future...but never again over spring break when the rest of the world is there taking their communion pictures! I simply couldn't handle the waiting game...also the pressure of picking pictures right then and there that will ultimately cost me a fortune killed me too....

SO needless to say, I'm a crankstar and I'm very sad about that. Kiera won't nap and we have a 3:30 doctor's appointment for her 12 month check-up...I could cry.

But, let's end this on a positive note that my baby girl is ONE and I love her more than I ever thought a person could love someone. It pains me to think that my mom doesn't get to witness her joy, her laugh, her silliness, her adorableness, but she has one hell of an angel on her side!

Happy Birthday Kiera Rita!!
