Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Kiera got her FIRST TOOTH TODAY!! What an exciting milestone.

I called Nicole, as I usually do, at prep time and she said to me, "You know she has a tooth that came through, right?" I jumped out of my chair with tears of excitement and said to her, "You know, if you weren't one of my best friends and just some daycare provider or babysitter I would be balled up on the floor in agony right now!"

I knew there would be things that Nicole would get to witness first...and I wondered how I would handle it...and I think I did pretty damn well :)

SOOO Kiera has a tooth! YEA!! She's also sitting up, she said "Ma" the other day...and is getting a ton of hair! This has to be the happiest I've ever been in my almost 31 years of living! On Sunday she and I napped together in bed and I wondered if my mom ever laid down with me. I just can't imagine her taking that much time out of her day to relax...she was ALWAYS on the go. I guess I'll never know.

Kiera and I also went to vote this morning at 6:30am...OBAMA MAMA! Crossing Fingers!! The old ladies at the polling place wanted to eat her alive...I love that! "Oh sweetie, you can't vote, you're too young!" I wish I were younger and could stay up to watch the whole thing unfold, but unfortunately I'll probably fall asleep within the hour...I should set an alarm for 12am to check in!



Danielle said...

yay! soo exciting. Eliza still does not say ma or mama really. just dadadadada I can't wait to see how this election turns out!

grntree77 said...

yay on the tooth!! it's funny because you will be just as excited when she loses them as when she grows them!! She is too cute though..can't wait to see it! Hope she has a baby book you can fill in!