Friday, October 24, 2008

Is it February yet?

I turned 33 years old this past February. I have anticipated the arrival of this dreaded year for as long as I can remember and now I can't wait until it's over.
Ya see my mom died when she was 33 years old of a brain aneurysm and so did my paternal grandmother. What are the chances of that??? How can both of these woman (on opposite sides of my family tree) die the same year of their lives of the same thing? Seems almost unbelievable, impossible and kinda creepy all at the same time. I guess I just always thought I, myself, would be destined for the same fate. So needless to say I was, ok maybe still am, a little freaked out that this will happen to me. I mean it's not something I think or worry about on a daily basis but it's enough to make me feel uneasy from time to time. I could never imagine dying right now and leaving behind my wonderful husband and precious baby girl. I could never imagine being cheated out of the rest of my life the way my mother was. It seems so unfair each and every time I think about it. How different would my life have been if she were still around? I guess that's why I am so determined to be the best mother I can be to my little girl. I made a promise to myself and her, before she was even born, that I will be the best mommy she could ever ask for. I intend to fulfill that promise. Let's just get to February already!

~Letitia ~

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aww mama...Sean and I were talking about just that the other night...what life would have been like if she lived...COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! You're already in your 34th year of living, so we're all good! xoxox