Monday, October 27, 2008

Cranky McCrankerson

It's funny because my friend Jess just wrote a blog about her crankstar and I was in the middle of thinking up this one!

Kiera is on solids now three times a day and loves them :) However, about every 7-10 days she gets constipated and freaks out. It breaks my heart!! You can tell that she's in pain and I hate that!! I just want to go in that little body and push it all out

So this morning she woke up at 4:30am screaming...never happens...normally when she wakes up at any time she's all smiles and giggles. She will usually play with her blanket for a good 20 minutes before I get up and get her...but this morning it was all screams and I ran in to get her to find her trying to push push push the tiniest bit on nonsense out of her person. We brought her into bed with us after a nice diaper change and she grabbed her blanket, thumb, and a small bottle and fell asleep again. Phew! But so sad.

I spoke to Nicole just a moment ago and, of course, Kiera is an angel...she's leaving all the Fussy McFusserson for Mommy :)

I've been finding that, besides the constipation fun, she's becoming more and more opinionated. She knows what she wants...and it's usually something we don't want her to have like the remote or the phone...or a can of Coors Light...and she gets very upset when her wants aren't met immediately. She's also started to look for things that we hide after she wants them...that's too much! We have a mirror above our couch and, because I am the corniest person alive, when I lift her up to see in it I say, "Kiera in the Mirra"...stop judging me! And when you hold her on your lap below the mirror and say it, she'll LOOK UP!! It's so bizarre that she could know that already...and she's getting the lifting of arms when you say "so big!" I can't stand that she's growing up so fast!!

Just some randomness for today :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

It is just starting! E throws tantrums whe she does not get what she wants...and she started at 10 months old. She will search for things if I try to hide them. It is hopeless. i would be happy to write up a bit about your blog...let me know what you want me to include.